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Session Information

Leading Safety Indicators- A Pro-Active Approach to Enhancing Workplace Safety

Session Type:
Location: MB
Speaker: F. Scott Grischow, CSP, ARM, OHST

Date: Monday, October 01, 2012
Time: 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM

Date: Monday, October 01, 2012
Time: 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM


This course is an overview of how traditional injury and loss measurements (Mod/DART/TRIR) are Lagging Indicators and only show past performance. Leading Indicators are now being used in the construction trades. Several Leading Indicators, including safety observations, site & facility inspections, timing and quality of training will be introduced and a discussion regarding use of these indicators of how to apply them to a pro-active safety program will take place.
 Learning Outcomes:
1) Understanding how Lagging Indicators are only a view of past performance.
2) Identify several Leading Indicators in construction that can be applied to a given workplace and company.
3) Understand how to measure quality of Leading Indicators.
4) Learn how to perform a quality safety observation and apply coaching skills to change an employee’s performance

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