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Getting More Everyday In Work and Life: A New Model for Negotiating Anything. Problem Solving and Consulting Session
Session Type: Management
Track Number: M23
Location: MB
Speaker: Stuart Diamond
Date: Monday, October 01, 2012
Time: 8:00 AM
9:50 AM
Problem Solving. Participants are asked to submit 3 of their own negotiation problems before the program. The professor uses the problems to illustrate negotiation tools as applied to real life situations. Participants come away with immediate advice and solutions to their own company or personal problems they submitted.
Discussion Comments from Professor. For example, how to effectively psychological levers without manipulation, how to set goals, navigating issues of trust, commitment, standards and emotion.
Improvement From Any Level. The workshop benefits both expert negotiators and novices. Since the learning is individually tailored, each person starts at his/her level and is able to improve from there. The course is about how get more, no matter what one’s level of expertise.
Operational. Participants learn methods that are immediately practical and can be applied to any negotiation situation: clients, colleagues, customers, superiors, employees, peers, children, spouse, travel, etc.
Major Learning Points Include:
· Improving goal setting; preparing more effectively.
· Acting faster and better in real time.
· Developing better problem-solving; gaining a framework for long-term improvement.
· Getting commitments that stick, by finding out how the other party makes commitments.
· Thinking more strategically about negotiation.
· Uncovering the perceptions of others and using them to create value.
· Finding more creative, precise, effective and fair solutions.
· Gaining more information and using it to better meet goals.
· Dealing more effectively with emotional and cultural issues.
Please note that every state handles licensure and continuing education credits differently. To avoid confusion, NECA strongly recommends you check with your state authority whether they will grant these CEUs for management education programs held at NECA 2012 Las Vegas.
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